In the past, federal law required that two forms be provided to a home buyer at, or shortly before their loan closing. The information on these forms, known as the final TIL and HUD1, was often overlapping and inconsistent. Home buyers often found the forms confusing. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act directed the cpfb to consolidate these forms into a new, single disclosure form. As a result, the closing disclosure form is now a five page form that is due to the borrower three days prior to the closing or settlement, in an escrow state. The form is due to the seller no later than the day of closing or settlement. The lender is responsible for delivering the closing disclosure (cd) to the borrower, but lenders may engage the services of a settlement agent, so long as they comply with the provisions of the rule. All new requirements are the result of a rule known as the Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Rule or the Tila-Respa Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Rule (TRID). TRID applies to most close-ended mortgage transactions, except; home equity lines of credit; reverse mortgages and loan for a home that is not attached to the land.
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