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What situations may call for a quiet title action?

On Behalf of | Dec 8, 2023 | Real Estate Contract Disputes

Real estate issues can be straightforward, but others are more complex, such as circumstances that bring about quiet title actions. This lawsuit helps resolve ambiguities and conflicts relevant to a property’s ownership. If filed, a court can establish a party’s ownership of real property against others’ claims, clarifying the property’s title status and verifying its legitimacy.

It can also be a helpful way to address issues involving boundary lines and liens associated with the property. Other situations where a quiet title action can be appropriate include the following:

  • The chain of title shows a period when ownership was unclear
  • Challenging someone else’s right by adverse possession
  • Resolving easement conflicts
  • Clarifying confusion caused by quitclaim deeds on the property
  • Establishing ownership of properties bought from estate sales

A quiet title action can be versatile, potentially addressing various disputes ranging from minor to severe. However, the cost of this lawsuit can also vary based on the property, the conflict and their details.

Sometimes, the issue is easy to sort out, requiring little paperwork. Other times, the property’s history and information require validation, especially if someone else contests the claim in court. The filing party might need to spend on estimations and other procedures to verify necessary details.

Navigating quiet title actions

Quiet title actions can be helpful, but they can vary significantly based on the circumstances surrounding the dispute. They can also have complications, leading to more extensive costs than expected. It is best to see legal counsel before initiating any lawsuits concerning a property’s title. Doing so can help determine what to do next and what requirements to gather while complying with necessary deadlines.

