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Qualifying For a Tampa BP Oil Spill Claim

On Behalf of | May 28, 2013 | Tampa Business BP Oil Spill Claim

You May Be Entitled to BP Oil Spill Compensation

Due to economic damages incurred during and after the BP oil spill, it is possible that you qualify for a BP oil spill settlement.  Call to speak to Frank Charles Miranda, P.A. to determine your eligibility at 813-254-2637 to determine your eligibility, and a free consultation regarding the specifics of your potential claim.

Do I really have a Tampa BP oil spill claim?

Individuals that have lost income due to the Gulf Coast BP oil spill are likely to receive compensation from the BP Oil Spill Fund.  A breakdown of some eligible recipients includes, but is not limited to;

  • Owners of vacation rentals.
  • Real estate owners.
  • Residential rental property owners.
  • Resort employees and owners.
  • Investment condo owners.
  • Charter boat captains.
  • Commercial fishermen.
  • Hotel owners and maintenance staff.
  • Restaurant owners and hospitality workers.
  • Construction company owners and employees.
  • Commercial truckers.
  • Car rental agencies.
  • Accountants.
  • Medical clinics and hospitals.
  • Automobile dealerships.
  • Landscapers and landscaping employees.
  • Property managers.
  • Brick masons.
  • Marine engineers.
  • Dock owners.

How much money can I receive from a BP oil spill claim?

The settlement amount each claimant may be able to recover will depend on the amount of loss the claimant does include in their filed BP oil spill claim, and the location of the individual or the business.  Terms of the BP Oil Spill Settlement allow the following three groups to recover financial or economic compensation.

  • Economic loss claims.
  • Medical benefits claims.
  • Affected property owners.

If you feel that you or your business suffered medical or economic loss as a result of the BP oil spill in 2010, it is suggested that you call the office of Frank Charles Miranda, P.A. to determine the eligibility and strength of a potential BP oil spill claim.  Call 813-254-2637 to discuss your case today.

