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Is My Business Eligible for BP Oil Spill Compensation

On Behalf of | May 30, 2013 | Tampa Business BP Oil Spill Claim

The BP oil spill did not just affect industries related to fishing and boating, it affected hotels; restaurants; retail stores and recreational businesses up and down the Gulf Coast.  Many businesses in these industries struggled following the BP oil spill, and some continue to hurt from the ramifications of the explosion and subsequent oil spill.

This begs one to question why all of these businesses have not filed a BP oil settlement suit with the court.  It is certain that some businesses may not feel they are able to verify that their losses are associated with the BP oil spill.  Other businesses are under the impression that the process is both overly complicated, and too slow to be bothered with.  There is also yet another category that simply has not taken the time to talk directly with legal counsel about the merits of a suit against BP.

What will I need to file a BP oil spill suit for my business?

If you want to qualify for compensation, your business will need to prove that economic losses were suffered in the weeks and months after the BP oil spill.  They will also need to verify that those losses were either directly or indirectly caused by the overall impact of the BP oil spill.  Required information will typically include a claim form, tax returns from previous years, financial statements, sales information, business licensing information as well as additional information about the business.  The office of Frank Charles Miranda, P.A. can work with your CPA, CFO or accountant to gather the appropriate information in a timely manner.

Is it too late for me to file a BP oil spill suit for my business?

It is not too late to file an oil spill law suit on behalf of your business.  Claims can currently be filed until April 2014.  That means that now is the time to act.

How do I get started?

If you are prepared to explore filing a BP business oil spill law suit, it is time to call the office of Frank Charles Miranda, P.A. at 813-254-2637.

