Without knowing it, a mistaken foreclosure report submitted to Hillsborough County or another county clerk can cause significant damage to your credit rating. A misclassified short sale or even a clerical error might prevent you from obtaining the home or car loan that you deserve. To reverse the damage caused by foreclosure mistakes in Hillsborough County and other locations, you’ll need prompt assistance from a qualified professional who is familiar with the legal and practical steps needed to reverse these problems.
As soon as a foreclosure report is filed with Hillsborough County or the relevant authority in another jurisdiction, that information can be compiled by credit agencies. These massive companies usually don’t take the time to verify the public information, so innocent homeowners are unfairly punished. A Florida attorney with experience in this area can help undo such errors as:
- Incorrect recording of short sales — To avoid the credit issues and other complications associated with a foreclosure, many people struggling with home debt choose to release their property through a short sale. If the timing isn’t right or the proper information isn’t received, the foreclosure might be recorded regardless.
- Failure to implement mortgage modifications — Many lenders offer mortgage modifications that enable people to stay in their homes under financial terms that work better for them. These deals often occur right before a foreclosure is initiated. An experienced lawyer will make sure that accurate revised terms are entered with the county.
- Bank and clerk errors — Someone else’s mistake shouldn’t harm you or your family. A legal advocate can press for a prompt correction if a financial institution or county clerk mischaracterized your situation.
A foreclosure remains on your credit report for seven years, so skillful assistance from a consumer protection attorney can have a significant effect on your ability to live as you wish. Don’t hesitate to consult with a Florida lawyer who has a background in this area.
Frank Charles Miranda, P.A. represents Florida clients in consumer protection matters, real estate transactions and other legal matters. Please call 813-902-3925 or contact us online to make an appointment for a meeting at our Tampa office.