The April 20, 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill affected nearly all industries around the Gulf of Mexico. Individuals, non-profit organizations and businesses not directly tied to either maritime or petroleum industries saw decreased revenue due to the effect of less money trickling down from declines in fishing, oil, gas production and tourism.
Religious organizations with congregations dependent on tourism for work saw their contributions decline. Area non-profits that base their schedules around the return of winter residents found all events had to be reduced in size. Funeral homes were even impacted by the drop in visitors, many return to the north in a much different way than they traveled south. Damage was diverse, deep and ongoing. Adversity hit beyond the beaches of the Gulf Coast.
Thousands of Eligible Businesses are Unaware that they qualify for Compensation
Many eligible businesses, non-profits and individuals are unaware that they qualify for compensation under a settlement entered into by BP. Unlike many class actions, where notices are mailed to all potential claimants, BP is not obligated to provide any type of notice. This leaves thousands of claims unfiled.
Should I File a BP Oil Spill Claim?
The damage done by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill will not be known for years. BP has taken action to overcome the damage to its shareholders. BP determined that the settlement was in its best financial interests as part of that action. The determination left many along the Gulf Coast with questions of their own: Do I have the right to file a BP Oil Spill Claim? Each eligible person is best served by developing their own answer after researching the topic.